On-the-go: Harnessing tablet and mobile for construction progress tracking
The construction industry is gradually embracing digital tools to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and enhance collaboration. One way we’re doing this at Buildots is by harnessing the power of the devices we all carry in our bags and pockets.
Recently, we’ve seen a significant rise in mobile and tablet logins, and it’s no surprise. In fast-paced environments where quick, accurate decisions are essential, having critical progress data at your fingertips is a game-changer.
When technology is as accessible as the phone in your pocket, teams are more likely to use it consistently to track progress in real time. This improves data quality, as updates are logged more accurately, giving everyone – from junior site staff to senior executives – a clearer, more reliable view of project progress. The result? Better decisions and smoother project execution.
Let’s take a closer look at how this works in practice.
Make on-the-spot decisions
With the Buildots mobile app, you get instant access to up-to-date progress data anytime, anywhere – whether onsite, in the office, on your morning commute or when you wake up at night with a burning question!
This immediacy enables faster – and better – decision-making at the heart of the action. Consider these common examples.
- Avoiding sequence errors: Rework is expensive and can derail your project timeline. Using Buildots on tablet or mobile makes it easy to check that all critical activities are complete before starting the next task – i.e. finishing roughing before installing drywall.
- Using site space wisely: Do you have a delivery arriving imminently and need to figure out where to store the materials for the coming week? Check exactly which areas of the site are currently being utilized at the click of a button.
- Solving problems collaboratively: Instantly accessible data insights are the fuel that feeds productive face-to-face discussions with trades. With detailed information on your mobile or tablet, you can easily discuss errors or issues with trades in person and solve the problem together there and then.
However, the benefits of having all project data available on the go don’t just apply to site teams. Busy senior executives can use this information to identify trends, address bottlenecks, and drive efficiency across their project portfolio. By giving execs the data they need in their pocket – accessible whenever they have a spare 15 minutes – the Buildots mobile app helps shift the focus from anecdotal reports to a clear, data-centric view of all ongoing projects.
Travel back in time
Have you ever walked through an area during a site walk and wondered, “What on Earth has been happening here”? Well, now you can get an answer. With Buildots, you can easily consume 360 images on mobile or tablet, allowing you to ‘travel back in time’ to view site conditions before certain installations were completed.
The same functionality can be super useful when working remotely, giving you ‘eyes on the site’ from anywhere. It’s very helpful for fielding queries from trades, colleagues or clients!
A new way of getting progress updates on-the-go
Scouring through tables and dashboards isn’t always convenient when you’re on the go, especially when looking for just one specific data point.
That’s why we created Dot, Buildots’ generative AI assistant, available on laptop, mobile, and tablet. You can simply type a question to Dot, and it’ll quickly and accurately fetch the information you need, whether it’s a question of simple data retrieval or complex analysis involving multiple variables. And if you want more detail, you can ask as many follow-up questions as you need.
Here’s just a sample of the questions our users are asking Dot.
- How’s the electrical trade progressing on level four? Dot can tell you the exact progress percentage for specific trades, activities or areas and compare it to the planned progress in your schedule.
- Which floors have finished underfloor heating installation? Sometimes, you simply need to confirm whether something is complete – whether it's to ensure the next activity in the sequence can start or to validate trade reports.
- How many door units does MasterJoin Carpentry have left to install? Dot can tell you exactly what specific trades are up to.
- When did mechanical ductwork begin on level one? Dot can find the start and end dates for specific activities in seconds, saving you the time it takes to dig through your data.
Track progress in the moment
While our AI automatically monitors most tasks by comparing images captured onsite to your 3D model, some (e.g. inspections, handovers, MEP testing) lack the necessary visual cues for automated tracking. That’s why Buildots offers both manual and automated task tracking. You get full oversight with no need for a patchwork of disjointed tools.
Whether it’s a quality inspection, handover, or commissioning, field teams can easily verify tasks by uploading images, adding notes, or marking tasks as complete – individually or in bulk – right from the progress overview screen. This unified system gives you, your team and potential future auditors complete oversight of every task.
Nail progress tracking with mobile tools
Balancing the complexities of multiple trades, activities, and tight deadlines can be overwhelming without the right tools.
By putting timely data and insights directly into the hands of site teams and decision-makers, the Buildots mobile app allows construction professionals to navigate obstacles, coordinate effectively, and make smarter decisions – no matter where they are. This level of convenience and control isn’t just helpful in a fast-paced industry. It’s essential for keeping projects on track.
In 2025, our product team is focused on developing new, exciting capabilities for our mobile and tablet users. We can’t wait to share them with you – watch this space.
The Buildots App is available on tablet and mobile on both iOS and Android. Book your live demo today.