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Buildots extends automated tracking for broader coverage with Integrated Tracking

Buildots introduces Integrated Tracking, enhancing the scope of its platform beyond automated tracking. This new capability allows users to monitor progress based on both automatically and manually collected data, paving the way toward a more holistic construction management solution. The new mobile app update enables on-site updates, allowing users to manually report on the progress of construction tasks directly from the site, driving efficiency and performance.

Construction project management requires constant movement, site inspections, and alignment with the project plan. Knowing that sub-tasks like inspections and commissioning are completed is crucial to confirming the overall task is finished. For example, pipework installation isn’t considered complete until a pressure test is conducted, and both must be diligently monitored in the work plan. Without proper coordination and visibility of task dependencies in a centralized place, project teams risk delays and sub-optimal scheduling. Buildots' Integrated Tracking addresses this by combining AI automated tracking with manual task completion reporting, providing a broader project management solution.

By using artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision technology, Buildots automates tracking of the physical components installed so site teams know precisely what was installed, where, and by whom. However, some activities remain untracked as they may not be modeled in BIM or unobservable by a camera. Additionally, some build activities are not clearly defined or easily detected, such as a second coat of paint, or cannot be detected automatically by even the most advanced computer vision technologies. These tasks are often recorded manually and monitored in separate tools, leading to fragmented data and a lack of oversight. 

Introducing Integrated Tracking

Recognizing this need, we developed a solution that extends the range of tasks being tracked, reported, and integrated into a central platform. Integrated Tracking provides a more detailed view of project progress by combining both tangible and intangible activities. This is the first step on our journey towards providing a comprehensive integrated tool that tracks progress holistically. By integrating on-site task completion manual logging, customers can leverage Buildots' advanced analytics to better predict delays and identify root causes. Monitoring both automated and manual tasks in one platform improves coordination, enhances workflow, and optimizes task scheduling, ensuring dependencies are managed for smoother project flow. The enhancements consist of the following key components:

  1. Manual task integration into progress tracking – Buildots now enables customers to track manual tasks and activities as part of the overall project progress. These manual tasks are integrated into  Buildots’ progress reports, offering a broader and more complete view of the project. On-site teams can include audit tasks in their work plans, allowing timely updates about milestone completions. This helps project teams capture additional data points, enhance performance insights, and enable better decision-making. 
  1. Enhanced mobile app – Our latest version of the Buildots mobile app not only mirrors much of the progress data available on our desktop web app but also allows users to manually log the progress of tasks using their mobile devices. Field teams can log and verify tasks on-site, ensuring accurate tracking and completion of more activities. These indications then automatically update the Buildots progress reports and are reflected in the performance insights Buildots provides. Indications for progress or completion of QA testing or other manual tasks will also affect all calculations across the system, ensuring the overall progress reflects accurate project status.

Field expertise meets automation

For AI technology to be successfully utilized, field expertise is essential. While AI and automation can track and analyze large amounts of data with precision, in some cases, they can't fully grasp the complexities and nuances of on-site work. Many decisions and tasks demand the judgment and experience of seasoned managers. AI supports humans by providing an automated view of the projects’ progress.  This automated view is now further enriched by the additional context and insights that only field managers can provide. The combination enhances project management by ensuring field expertise is reflected in the project’s data, bridging gaps technology alone can't address, leading to more accurate outcomes.

Achieving Performance-Driven Construction Management (PDCM) with Integrated Tracking

At Buildots, we understand that effective construction management requires more than just progress tracking. It demands an accurate data set to drive continuous improvement. Integrated Tracking facilitates this by not only incorporating manual and automated tasks into a single platform but also marks the first step in our ongoing commitment to augmenting automated tracking with more advanced solutions down the line. By leveraging Buildots' advanced analytics, Integrated Tracking allows for more accurate performance measurement, enhancing the effectiveness of the PDCM methodology and leading to better decisions and improved project outcomes.

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